Episode 32


Renay and I are in South Africa. We are driving to Paula’s funeral. After two weeks of fighting between Paula’s family and the Tloung family, the Tloung family decided to let Paula’s family have her body and bury it in South Africa, her home.

“Nomzamo did this”, Renay says. 

This is a very serious accusation. 

“Nomzamo did what exactly?” I ask her. 

“She drove Paula to this point. Suicide? Nomzamo did this.” 

“Reneiloe, you need to be careful about the things that you are accusing people of. Paula did not have an issue with Nomzamo. In fact, if Paula had such an issue with her, she could have easily stopped the marriage between Nomzamo and Leruo. She didn’t. And she was fine. She chose to go stay with Nomzamo as opposed to staying with us.”

“So, what are you trying to say?” 

I take a deep breath. I focus on the road, but I also say, “You need to stop imposing your issues onto other people.” 

“Excuse me?”

“I’m the one who cheated on you and you are the one who is struggling to forgive me. I know I fucked up. I’m prepared to spend the rest of my life making it up to you and earning your forgiveness. But you can’t think Paula was wearing your feelings. Paula was sick, Reneiloe. She was admitted into a mental hospital and you are the one who even noticed her sinking deeper and deeper into a version of what used to be the Paula we know. Nomzamo had nothing to do with this.” 

She sobs. 

I know I dimmed her light. 

Renay has always been a spoiled human being – but in a beautiful way. She grew up adored by her entire family. She is the only child to a businessman and a professor. She had everything. Her parents made sure that she knew that she was the brightest light in the room. They used to call her sunshine, and man she wore that title so beautifully. When I met Reneiloe Chabedi (that was her surname before I made her Reneiloe Twala), she was in university. I was still figuring this soccer thing out. She was so beautiful. She had the biggest and brightest smile in the room. She laughed the loudest and her laughter came from her soul. She was always optimistic. And maybe it was influenced by the fact that her world was a bubble of butterflies and the life that her parents gave her was the epitome of soft. She was their miracle baby and they made sure that she knew that she was a miracle in every life she touched. Her optimism was needed. You’d be in a bad place, and she would be the only person who held the silver pen that drew the silver lining. 

I married her.

She filled my house with warmth. She filled my days with her smile. She filled my bad days with her infectious laughter. I love Reneiloe Twala. I loved her from when she was Reneiloe Chabedi. I messed up. Even in my cheating, I couldn’t find another her. 

Reneiloe, as spoiled as she is, she does her part to keep situations “perfect”. She didn’t want kids, but she had them for me and she loves the hell out of them. She wanted a career as an artist and fashion designer, she gave it all up for my career and she never once complained about it. So, she does deserve to be spoiled. She plays her part and she makes you believe, no matter what, that you are worth it. 

Now, I’ve dimmed her light. Her smile is not the same anymore. Her laughter is clothed with such a heavy heart. I don’t know how to get my optimistic sunshine back. 

We arrive at the funeral. I park our car. It’s just Renay and I. Renay’s mother is visiting and she’s staying with my boys. I know that she should be shitting all over me… but she actually isn’t taking sides. She actually wants to help us heal and move past what happened. She’s not there defending her child. She’s there genuinely helping us to mend what has happened. Her father… I’m not so sure. He comes to see us every day but doesn’t sleep over. He looks at me like I’m a piece of shit. But we haven’t spoken. I guess the conversation is still coming. 

Renay and I hold hands as we make our way to inside of the church. The funeral is being broadcasted. I bump into Leruo at the door. He is there with Tee-le, his father (Dikwe) and his uncle (KB). I greet the gentlemen. They greet me back. Leruo doesn’t look good. Renay looks at them. 

Ugrand?” I ask Leruo. 

He shrugs his shoulders. 

Mohato, Reahile and their wives arrive and greet us all at the door. 

“Is Nomzamo here?” Mohato asks. For what, I don’t know.

Leruo looks at him then says, “Nah. She stayed at the hotel. She’s with Thuli.” 

“Why?” Renay.

“Why?” Leruo. 

“Paula was Thuli’s friend. Why can’t Thuli be here to bury her friend? Instead, she’s –

“Thuli’s heavily pregnant, Renay. The walking and going to cemeteries is no longer possible for her.” Tee-le. 

“Nomzamo is pregnant too”, Dikwe says.

Renay actually laughs. She laughs in so much disbelief. She even shakes her head. Then she walks off and decides to go greet Paula’s family, hugging the family and crying with them. 

This is going to be a LONG day! 

The funeral and speakers have spoken well thus far. Everything seems to be going great. Then a family spokesman stands up to speak on behalf of the Dandala family – Paula’s family.

He begins.

“The Tloungs came to us and told us that they loved our child. That they wanted to marry her. That she would be okay for the rest of her life. Jiki jiki, Leruo is taking a second wife and our daughter is now cornered ukuba avume isithembu. Singabakholwa thina! We don’t believe in that. So, I know for a fact that Paula did not agree to this nonsense willingly! Something pushed her to agreeing to this nonsense and that is the very thing that killed her!”


Noooooo man! No no no no noLe re tlwayela masepa!” Dikwe stands up and says. 

“Tata, I am speaking on behalf of my family. Someone has to represent our daughter in all of this. Clearly it isn’t you. Please allow me to speak!” The spokesman.

“I’m not allowing bullshit!” 

Yoh yoh yoh! 

We all actually don’t know what to do at this point. 

KB stands up and stands next to his brother, both Tloung brothers defending Leruo as he just sits there and is completely zoned out. He’s exhausted. You see it all over his aura. The last two weeks have DRAINED him. 

“Your daughter une ahlanya! She was in a mental hospital for a good six months!” KB. 

“And now you have the audacity to come and disrespect my son like this? Do you remember that mkhukhu there koMdantsane that we went to pay lobola at? Do you remember it? You will go back there!” Dikwe.

“There were no forces killing Paula when my son paid for you to get out of that mkhukhu! This mansion you call a home in Saxonworld was bought with my son’s money! This very funeral and everything we see, my son and his wife, Nomzamo, paid for it! This is how you say thank you?! Le tloka teboho! Sies!” KB.

“If you don’t know what to say, you sit down and shut up! Otherwise, you will go back to that mkhukhu in Mdantsane. Let Paula rest! She killed herself so she could rest! Let her rest! She’s dead now. There’s no reason for Leruo to continue looking after you! So, if you want to maintain what you bought through your daughter’s marriage to my son, you shut up and sit down! Le hlalefetse the wrong people! Rha!” Dikwe. 

The spokesman sits down. 

“Dikwe, sit down!” Tshianeo, Dikwe’s second wife, tells him. 

He sits down. 

KB sits down. 

Now, it’s tense. 

The priest is not even sure if he should stand up and preach. 

Yesus!” We hear Dikwe say in the stillness of the silence.


We all went to the hotel we chose to stay at to eat lunch when we left the cemetery. We are all staying at the Four Seasons. Tee-le phoned Thuli to brief her on what happened. She and Nomzamo were watching on the live stream because the funeral was being broadcasted. Thuli and Nomzamo organised lunch to be served to us when we arrived. As we arrived at the hotel, we went to the dining area and ate what the hotel catered. 

Thuli, Nomzamo and Khanyi walk into where we are all having lunch. I don’t know why Khanyisa stayed at the hotel. I hope it’s not because she’s pregnant too. I’ll kill Khabane. 

“Bhuti”, Khanyisa greets me with a hug.

“Are you also pregnant?” Mohato asks her. 

“What?!” Khanyisa.

“Why did you stay behind with the pregnant people?” Mohato. 

“I was studying.” Khanyisa says.

We all actually laugh. 

I think everyone is laughing at my reaction to Mohato’s question. 

“Don’t worry, Rea. I’ll ask for your permission before ke spatisa”, Khabane says. 

I’m going to kill this boy! 

Everyone is laughing… even Leruo, with Nomzamo wrapping her arms around him, is laughing. I’ll take it. He needs the laugh.

Khanyisa is now greeting everyone else, then she gets to Zari and hugs her, saying, “Sis’Zari, kunjani?” 

“I’m good, babes… my favourite Ramaru sister.” 

I don’t know why Zari would say that. But both Fifi and Khanyi don’t appreciate that statement. 

Now Fifi and Khanyi are sitting together and are chatting. Khabane and I smile at each other. There’s progress. 

“Are you going back to the kingdom with us? Papa needs us to go back together”, Mohato says to me.

I see Zari looking at us as he asks this question. What are these two up to? 

“I spoke to him this morning. I’m arriving tomorrow evening. The twins have an assessment in the morning at a creche we are trying to get them into.” I say. 

“Rofhiwa cannot go without you?” Mohato. 

“Rofhiwa didn’t make those kids alone. They are mine too. I’m their parent and I don’t see why I need to be excluded from anything in their lives.” I say. 

“I see”, he says. 

“Yeah. You see it now. When you and Zari have kids, you’ll understand.” I say. 

He seems offended by this. 

Khabane is now next to me.

I guess being with the Ramaru sisters has made us brothers in a way. He sticks up for me big time, even in rooms where I’m not present. I appreciate him big time for that. My dads have told me how he will go to war to honour my name. My brother!

“What are we going to do about Miami?” Mohato asks me. 

I look at him. He knows Fifi doesn’t know about Miami. He’s having this conversation here? Right now? Really?! 

I just stand up and walk away. He’s going to piss me off. I just know it. 

Fifi and I are driving to her parents’ place to fetch the twins now. I’m driving and she is in the passenger seat. 

“Baby”, she begins. 

“Yes love?” 

“Do you think your family likes me?”

Heh bathung

“Rofhiwa, we’ve been married for almost three years now. Only now you are worried about this?” 

“It’s just that…”

She pauses. 

“What’s wrong, baby?”

“Zari said something to me that has had me in my head for a few days now.” She says.

“What did Zari say?” I don’t know what Zari’s and Mohato’s issue is. I really need to understand. 

“No, it’s fine. I can handle Zari. This one might just be between me and her. I don’t want you fighting with your family because the wives are fighting.” 

“I won’t fight with anyone. But tell me what was said.” I say. 

She looks at me. 

“Tell me, Rofhiwa.” I say.

She looks away. She sighs. Then she says, “Apparently your family is of the view that I’ve made you Mrs Ramaru instead of becoming Mrs Mohale.” 

The fuck?!

She sees my irritation. 

“She asked me when I plan on giving you your balls back”, she continues. 

You know what?!

“Did I do something wrong, Reahile? I mean, how am I not a Mohale wife? Or what? Do I need to go back to Tholoana Kingdom, live there in the palace with your family and become like Zari where I wake up early, sleep late, but have nothing to show for what I did with my day?” 

“You’ve done nothing wrong, Rofhiwa. And I love you as you are. If I don’t have an issue with the wife that you are to me, no one has any business having a problem with you as a wife. Last I checked, I’m the only one who is your husband.” 

“I don’t know, Rea… maybe we should think about moving to Tholoana Kingdom permanently… be closer to them. Even if we don’t live in the palace, but have a house there, you know?” 

“If we move to Tholoana Kingdom, it will not be because we were bullied into it. We moved to South Africa because I have to be here for business. This decision had very little to do with me being Mrs Ramaru. Mohato has nothing going for him. Nothing! His definition of a life is being a Mohale. Now he’s disrespecting my wife because I’m making sure that should anything happen to me, my wife and my kids have enough to carry on without me? Not fight for a throne just to be okay? Yerrrr!” 

My blood is boiling now.

“I’m prepared to move to Tholoana Kingdom, love. If you need us to move there, we can. I just don’t want to have problems with your family.” She says. 

I’m actually angry! I’m very angry!


Awusho ndoda, le ntombi yakho le… is it serious?” My dad asks me about my girlfriend. We’ve kind of been together for three years now. 

Angazi.” I say.

We are driving to a meeting we have with the church at pope’s house. 

“How long has it been now?” He asks me. 

“Three years.”

“Three years and you don’t know what to do with her?” 

“When did you marry mom?” 

“Within a year of meeting her. And she was pregnant with you within less than ten months.” 

“Wasn’t she in school?” 

“She was. So was I.” 

“But she threatens to kill me all the time… that I must finish school before making kids else she’ll make me work in mines to look after my child.” 


My dad actually laughs. 

I’m driving. He’s on the passenger seat.

“Your mother has always been different, but perfect.” He says. He’s too obsessed with her. 

“Well, I’m not getting my girlfriend pregnant anytime soon.” I say. 

“Are you bringing her home for us to meet her at least?” He asks me. 

“I’m scared of your wife.” I say. 

He laughs. I giggle. 

“But no, I don’t think it’s there.” I say. 

He shakes his head. 

“Baba, you need to spend some time with Mndeni. He’s growing up faster than me.” I say. 

Yin’ indaba? Did something happen?” He asks me.

I am quiet. 


I take a deep breath then say, “Khabane and I had to take him and his girlfriend to an abortion clinic.” 


“Twice!” I say. 

If he were driving, we’d be in an accident right now. 

“He’s only eighteen.” My dad says like that means anything. 

“And very reckless. You need to talk to him to slow down. In the next few months, he will probably break up with that poor girl. She’s had two abortions and obviously hoping Mndeni is forever for her. What damage is he leaving with her while he gets to move on with his life should they break up?” 

My dad is actually angry.

“But you can’t tell mom.” I say. 

“I’m going to tell her. You and your brother don’t take me seriously. You are clearly scared of her and react more when she unleashes hell on you.” 

“Dad, shouting and punishing Mndeni is not going to solve the issue. He needs a conversation. The conversation you had with me when you assumed that I was having sex.” 

“You were having sex, and your mom was going to kill me if you made her a granny.” 

“Well, will it be better if Mndeni made her a granny? Or worse, get some illness that will kill him?” 

He’s quiet. 

We arrive at pope’s place and I park the car. I see Khabane also drive in and his dad is also sitting on the passenger seat in his car. They park next to us then the four of us all walk into the house. 

Akwande is here greeting us. Ntuthuko, pope’s elder son, is out of jail. So, he’s here now. 

“Hey guys”, mme Fifi greets us. She’s Khabane actual aunt. So, they bond together. Uncle Maboko greets her with a hug, and they chat a bit. 

“Akwande and I are on our way out. But I’ve prepared finger foods and fruit snacks for you guys”, she says. 

“Thank you”, we all say. 

She’s so lovely shame. She doesn’t deserve a criminal for a husband. An old one at that.

We are now in the office. His office. He’s angry. Someone fucked up somewhere. I have a feeling it’s Mohato. He’s such a fucken liability. He shits on all of us for a good hour. Then he tells us that he’s going to Italy to fix our shit. Uncle Ona will have to stay in the kingdom to run shit from here. Plus, he’s the king, so he has the biggest chance to run shit here. Mohato is tasked to stay with him here. I did say he’s the liability. Uncle Khotso and Reahile have to go to Miami. Khabane, myself and Ntuthuko are going to New York. He is being initiated in, so Khabane and I are his guides. He’s a cool cat. So, we are very cool with him. My dad and Uncle Maboko have to go to Nigeria. They are the dangerous bishops. I’m not shocked that they are going to Nigeria. 

“The women? Are they safe?” Reahile asks. 

“Why? Rofhiwa’s nails are going to break without you?” Mohato.

What’s happening?!

“Do you have a problem with my wife?” Reahile.

I’m so confused. 

VOETSEK!” Uncle Ona shuts whatever the hell is going on here down.

Khabane and I look at each other. We want to laugh, but we are also very confused as to what just happened. I’m just so happy that we are not going anywhere with them.

Mohale walks in. We all look at him. He looks at pope then says, “The women will be fine in Zanzibar. All is cleared for them.” 

Oh, he was tasked with that. And he’s very close to pope. 

“Good. You and I leave for Italy tonight.” Pope says. He nods his head. 

“Are you answered?” Mohato asks Reahile. 

This guy is such a bitch

“You know, we are in this mess because of you. You have a very big mouth for someone who has put us at risk and now we all need to go explain shit to our families just so we can go clean up what you did! If I were you, I’d be humble.” Rea says. 

I knew Mohato had something to do with the fuck up. 

Mohato looks at him as if ready to kill him. 

This is very weird. Are these the Real Housewives of the Mohale throne or something? Fuckman!

“I need someone in KZN permanently. We haven’t replaced Qaphela and his function was critical.” Pope says. 

“I’ll go”, Rea says. 

We look at him. 

“I’m already in Joburg. I can cover KZN”, he says. 

“Your wife needs to be on board, Rea. Almost like Pearl.” Pope.

“Can you handle her enough?” Mohato. 

Now Reahile swings a fist. 

As we try to stop the fight, Uncle Ona says, “Leave them! Let them kill each other. I can do without the headache.” 

Eh! Eh! Eh! 

Mohato doesn’t fight back physically. He pulls out a gun. His lip and eye are bleeding. He points the gun at Rea. 

“You better use that gun now that you’ve pulled it out. Because if you don’t, I’ll fucken kill you for ever pulling a gun out on me.” Rea. 

Uncle Ona punches Mohato. The gun falls. Uncle Ona picks the gun up and shoots Mohato in the knee. He then aims at Rea and I hear Pope saying, over Mohato’s screaming, “Ey! I need the soldier in Rea! Please!” 

Mohato is still screaming. 

“Someone phone Zari to deal with him!” Uncle Ona. 

Honestly, this is an uncomfortable movie. 

Uncle Khotso is the one that gets him out of here – possibly to get him help. 

“Now that the issue is out of action, let’s fix this shit.” Uncle Ona.



Explaining to Khanyisa that she has to go to Zanzibar with other wives is just a hectic task. 

“I don’t understand why I’m going on holiday that you are paying for without you. I’m not a useless housewife created to spend your money with no questions asked.” She keeps saying. 

I pull her to the couch. 

I’m actually going to tell her the truth about the church. I don’t want to lie to her. EVER. I run the risk of losing her. But if this is the rest of my life, I might as well tell her everything. I’ll get exhausted with all the lies. 

She sits next to me. 

I pull her towards me then put my arm around her. She puts her head on my chest. 

“So, a few years ago, the royal leadership of Tholoana Kingdom decided that they would need to subsidise the Kingdom’s economy so that they could get enough households participating in the economy, thus creating the wealth we have today. The kingdom was in a fucked-up place and poverty was at its peak.”

“Yeah, I’m aware that past leadership has seen to criminal activities to boost the economy here. I’ve read about it.” She says.

“Yeah. But not to the extent of what actually happens. That shit can’t be in books. There are international leaders that are involved, playing a critical role in ensuring that the kingdom is good. But there are people involved to execute the activities that need to happen.” 

“Okay? Activities such as?” 

“All avenues of crime, babe.” 

She swallows hard. Then she says, “Why are you telling me this?” 

“The organisation that executes is called the church. I’m part of it.” 

Her body becomes tense.

“I don’t understand”, she says. 

“I’m a soldier. I participate in the criminal activities that contribute to the Kingdom’s economic progress.” 

She’s quiet. 

“So, uyis’gebengu?” She asks me. 

I take a deep breath and say, “Yeah.”

“So, every time you leave, there’s a possibility that you could get killed?” 

That’s what she’s worried about? 

Wow! I have a real one! I actually feel like crying. 

“Why? How?” She asks me.

“Baby –

“And is this forever?” 

I’m quiet. 

She comes out of my arms. She stands up from the couch, then she looks at me. She folds her arms. I’m still sitting on the couch.

“Thank you for telling me the truth.” She says.

I look at her. 

“If I stay with you, what does it mean? For us? For our lives?” She asks me.

“You and I will always be Khanyisa and Khabane. No matter what. Our lives will be complicated… chaotic sometimes… but we will always have each other.” I say. 

“And what would I need to learn? Do I need to learn how to handle a gun?” 

“Possibly.” I say. 

“So, teach me.” 

“Right now?” 

She nods her head. 

She looks freaked out. 

I know she needs a hug more than anything, right now.

I stand up from the couch. I walk closer to her. She doesn’t move. I pull her towards my chest. She holds onto me tightly.

Ngiyakuthanda, Khabane. And I’m fucken scared.” She says.

I kiss the top of her head and just hold her tightly. 

I cannot guarantee anything. In this line of work, anything is possible. Any day could be your last day on earth. 

“I don’t know what to say, baby. I can’t give you assurances. Anything can happen. But I try my best to come back alive… for my mom… for Ru… for my dad… and now, for you. I’ll fight to come back to you as best as I can… because I love you so much more than you can imagine.” I say. 

She looks up at me.

I face downwards, looking at her. 

She starts unbuttoning her dress. 

Lord, please may we see this through? I’ve been waiting for a year and I haven’t been with anyone else. The salt is REAL! For her, I’d wait another century. She’s worth it. 

She’s now in her underwear. Her panties are orange and lacy. It’s a thong. Her bra is a matching lacy orange set. I’ve never seen Khanyisa this naked before. We don’t do things like shower or bath together. 

Her body is so fit… curvy… she even has abs. Her breasts are perfect. Not too small. Not too big. Probably a B-cup. I’ve seen enough breasts in my life to know a thing or two about size. Her hips are perfectly shaped. Her ass is round and beautiful. I’ve always known that she has a perfect ass. I’ve seen it though dresses and pants. But now… it’s right there! For me! 

“You are perfect”, I say. 

“So why aren’t you touching me?” She asks me.

I step closer to her. I start rubbing her body. I haven’t been in this position with a woman in a very long time! I almost feel stupid actually. And my penis is embarrassing me because it’s so hard. If she suddenly says she doesn’t want this, I’m screwed!

As I rub my hands on her body, she pulls my t-shirt up. I oblige and lift my arms, but shame she’s short, so I end up just taking it off myself. 

She runs her hands on my chest and abs.

“Is this all mine?” She says. 

“All yours, baby. Just yours.” 

“I’m safe with you, right?” She asks me.

“You are safe with me.” 

“I know this is an unfair question, but I only want to only ever have sex with one man for the rest of my life. So, is this forever?” 

“It’s forever, Khanyisa. My heart has made that decision for me and I have no say in it.” 

She pulls down my shorts.

My God! 

She jumps on my waist. 

We kiss.

“Are you sure about this?” I ask her.

“I’m sure. Ngingowakho.” She tells me. 

I take her to the bedroom. 

Fortunately, we are at my place today.

There must be some condoms somewhere in here. I look through my drawers and find a sealed box. 

I open it. 

I pull out a condom and I open it.

I roll it onto my hard penis. 

She’s completely naked now… lying on my bed. 

I hover over her. 

Before I can triple check that she’s sure about this and doesn’t want to wait for that umemuloof hers, she pulls me down towards her and kisses me. Her body is shaking. I calm her down with some kisses. I even decide to feed on her vagina using my tongue… just to make sure that it’s wet and it won’t be painful for her. 

She’s already moaning, so I know I’m doing a good job. 

Now she’s nice and wet. 

I slide my penis inside of her. She takes a deep breath the holds onto my arms. 

“You okay?” I ask her. 

She smiles at me.

It’s on! 

“Khabane!” The harsh voice wakes me up from a deep sleep. 

“Khabane!” Now the voice is accompanied by a loud knock on my door. 

It’s my dad. 

I look to my side. My stunner is fast asleep next to me. 

“Khabane, mahn!” 

“Pa?!” Me.

“Wake up and come here! Where’s Khanyisa?” 

I’m sure they saw both mine and her cars parked outside – clearly, we are both here. I’m sure he saw the trail of clothes leading to my bedroom door. And why did he just barge into my place? I don’t just barge into his house. At least he’s not barging into my bedroom. 

“She’s sleeping. I’m coming now.” I say. 

“Hurry up, monna! It’s urgent! Wake Khanyisa up. We need to move!” 

I get out of bed. I stretch.

“Baby”, I wake her up.


I laugh at her. 

“You need to wake up, love. Let’s quickly jump in the shower. My dad is her.”

She jumps and has this look on her face that says she’s done something wrong. I laugh at her.

We shower as fast as we can. We just can’t stop smiling at each other. She’s so beautiful. 

“Why are you staring at me?” She asks me. 

“I love you”, I tell her. 

This is the first time that we are even showering together. 

We quickly lotion ourselves and get dressed. She does have an entire cupboard here. I love it. 

She wears jeans and a t-shirt. Then she wears sneakers. I’m suddenly interested in her underwear. Today, the underwear is pink. She says it’s rose gold, but it looks pink to me. What the hell is rose gold? 

I wear shorts and a t-shirt, then go see what my parents want. 

I find my mom and dad both here, with Ru. 

“Where’s Khanyi?” Ru asks me.

“She’s coming”, I say. 

My mom smiles at me… slyly. She knows we had sex. 

“Pick up the clothes on the floor, monna.” My dad. 

I pick up our clothes…

And underwear…

Then I take them to the spare bedroom. Why are they here?

I get back into the living room and find Khanyisa already chatting and hugging with my mom and Ru. My dad smiles at me. 


I scratch my head. 

“We have an issue.” My dad says. 

“What’s going on?” I ask him. 

He looks at Khanyi. 

“She knows. I told her everything.” I say.

My parents are shocked. 

“We good. Don’t worry.” I say.

My mom smiles at Khanyi. 

“Pope has left with Mohale. Reahile and Khotso have left. You and Banathi need to leave with Ntuthuko, but now the cops are everywhere… borders and airport.”  

I look at my dad. 

Khanyi’s face is panicking.

“Don’t worry. We will sort it out.” My mom tells her.

Okay, this is going to be good. 

“So, what now?” I ask my dad. 

Banathi and his parents walk through my door.


“We found the person who tipped officials off.” Uncle Zee says.

Ke mang?” My dad. 

Banathi’s parents look at Khanyi.

“She knows”, my parents. 

They are also shocked. 

Ke mang?” My dad asks again.

“Zari.” Banathi’s mom. 

“Zari?” My mom. 

“We need to stay put for a day or two. All the other women have left for Zanzibar with their kids. Zari is still here, so Ona is taking care of that.” Banathi’s mom. 

“Ona needs to clean his fucken backyard. His kids and their wives are a liability.” My dad says. 


“Khanyi, no one can know that you know about this. I’m serious.” My dad says to Khanyi. 

Khanyi nods her head. 

“We can trust you, right?” My dad. 

“Yes, baba kaKhabane. You can.” Khanyi says. 

“Khanyi will come with us”, Khabane’s mom says..

“You guys are not going to Zanzibar anymore?” I ask. 

“We aren’t. We are going with you to New York.” My mom.


When I told my girlfriend about this, I didn’t want her to be part of the church. Why is she going on missions?

“Go pack, Khabane. We need to leave as soon as we get our phone call.” My mom.

Khanyi runs to the bedroom first. I just know I’m going to be grilled in the room. 


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