Episode 25

Khotso, Moloko and Rena have unofficially moved into my house. I don’t mind at all, if I’m being honest. I know things are weird between them and Thabi because Rena keeps showing Thabi flames and Thabi is upset that Khotso does not call Rena to order. What I appreciate about them all being here is that Rena actually acknowledges me as the mother in this house. She has her ways, but she listens to me. Like last week… I’m trying to teach her and Moloko some responsibilities. So, I was teaching them how to do the bed. They did the bed about three times then on the fourth day, they were no longer interested. I called Rena and told her to do her bed. I told her it’s the first thing that she does when she wakes up every morning before even brushing her teeth and washing her face. She asked me why, and Khotso was there. When I saw him just look at her and not intervene, I explained to her that as a responsible young woman – especially a beautiful lady such as herself – you don’t dress up, look good, smell good and step out of your house only to come back home and sleep in a bed that hasn’t been made since the previous night. And who’s to say that nothing had a party in her bed? She’s inviting bed bugs to party in there with unfamiliar insect friends, probably laying eggs and leaving her room smelling… yet she’s a gorgeous woman out there with a smelly room at home. She asked me why we don’t have staff that just does it like it’s always done in the royal house. I told her that I don’t live in the royal house, so I know nothing about royal life. But I know that I should be responsible whether I’m fortunate or not because not everyone is fortunate like me to have someone that will do things for me. And I have to be prepared… we all have to be prepared for the day that all we know is taken away from us. Will we fall apart just because people are no longer doing things for us? We need to prepare ourselves to be phoenixes that can rise above any and every situation. The only way we can be that is if we learn how to do things for ourselves. She actually thought about it, then went back upstairs and did her bed. Moloko followed her. Khotso kissed me and told me that I did well. But I wasn’t impressed. At all. I just learned that if I leave the discipline in Khotso’s hands, these kids will show me flames. We do have two domestic workers that help us around in the house, but I try to make sure that I involve the kids a bit here and there within the house chores. We are still at our teething stage of the process, but we will get there – especially if they are to live here in my house. My own daughter, as old as she is, doesn’t disrespect me. I’m not about to be disrespected by kids.
A kiss attacks me as I put on some perfume now that I’m dressed up and my makeup is done.
“Good morning, sthandwa”, I greet him.
He also looks so delicious in his fitted suit. He smells amazing.
“How are you, gorgeous? You look beautiful. Yerrr! Nah, I must move back into my office at the government building. Those boys there ba tlong tlwayela masepa looking at my stunner”, he says.
I just laugh. Nice to know that he’s jealous.
“Angisho nawe you are leaving the house looking like that… and for all I know, you have got stock everywhere.” I say. I want to put feelers out there.
“Hawu baby”, he says, but not laughing.
“Awusho baby, are we exclusive? Or…?”
“What are you saying now, Phuthi? Of course, we are exclusive.”
“Ha ah! Don’t say of course we are exclusive. We need to have this conversation because I could think that we are exclusive, kanti wena you are on a different page. The next thing when I question you about other women lana, uyangidelela la and ungitshela the way ngi-clingy ngakhona”, I say.
“Phuthi, I live with you and my kids. Wandi is my daughter too. I don’t do that with women I’m not exclusive with”, he says.
So, they have moved in? Hmmm…
“So, you’ve never cheated on women you’ve considered to be mothers to your kids?”
He takes a deep breath.
He faces my body towards him.
I look at him.
“I’m not a perfect man, Phuthi. I’m not. But I do love you and I am committed to you. I’m going to do my best to do right by you and our kids. Please give me that chance”, he sounds so sincere.
“Nami ngiyakuthanda, Khotso. I do. And I’m committed to you too. I’ll do my best to be a deserving woman – deserving of you. Kodwa I’m not having anymore kids.”
He laughs aloud.
“Please don’t tell me you want more kids”, I say.
“No babe, we are good.”
“Good. Because any day nje, Wandi could make us grandparents. We have no business making more siblings for the three that we have together”, I say.
He kisses me then laughs.
“Aus’Phuthi, please help me with my shirt”, Moloko walks into our room and says.
I leave Khotso and help Moloko get ready for school. I’m also chatting to him and asking him how he slept. He’s getting used to sleeping alone a lot more. I’m glad he’s adjusting.
“Love, uzosithola downstairs neh”, I say to Khotso.
“I’m right behind you, guys.” He says.
As I walk past Rena’s room, I tell her to not do her bed because the helpers are changing the linen today. She says okay then also heads downstairs for breakfast.
The four of us are eating away. I’m helping Moloko here and there. He is a bit of a slow eater. But he has some issues with his teeth, so we have to cut his toast and sausages into smaller pieces for him.
“Are you good, papa?” I ask him.
“Yes, Aus’Phuthi. Thank you.” He says.
I smile at him.
“Rena, you good, baby?” I ask her.
“Yeah. Thank you. I was talking to Wandi yesterday.” She says.
Yeah, apparently FaceTiming is their thing.
“Really? How is Mtubatuba?” Khotso asks her.
“She says it’s fine. They are coming back on Friday for Morafe’s wedding on Saturday. I’m so excited for them to come.” Rena says.
“I’m glad you guys are so tight”, Khotso.
“Ja. I like having a big sister. And a proper mommy for a change. Thank you, Aus’Phuthi”, she says.
I smile at her. I’m actually happy. Khotso just looks at me, smiling.
“Well thank you guys for choosing me… for choosing Wandi and me. We love you”, I say.
“Papa, don’t mess this up!” Rena says.
Khotso just laughs.
We are done eating now and we are headed out.
“Are you leaving the country today?” I ask Khotso.
“Yeah. We are headed to South Africa. We need to sort out this Laura issue.” He says.
“Laura issue?”
“Yeah. This fighting with her husband… we need to make sure that it will not affect that church cleaning our money. If Laura walks, we leave with our money. Then everyone in that place will lose jobs. It’s our money that’s running that mall, that company, that hotel and whatever else they have on that campus they call a place of worship and service”.
“That place gives jobs to over a thousand people”, I say.
“Then that blank-shooting bishop must remember that.” He says.
I actually laugh at that statement.
“Then I’m going to check in on Wandi. I’m having lunch with her and Senzi. Then I fly back”, he says.
I smile at him.
He kisses me.
“Moloko has his orthodontist appointment, so I’ll take him to that. I’ll knock off early today. Rena just has to do her hair today and get a new blazer. So we will sort that out, come home and study for Rena’s cycle test. She’s writing tomorrow.” I say.
“You are sexy, you know that?”
I laugh then say, “Did you talk to Thabi?”
His face changes.
“You know she’s going to shit on me, right? I have to see her at work today. Fix this!” I say.
“Fine. I’ll start at the royal house anyway to meet up with Ona and Shak.”
“Good. Okay, thina we are out of here.” I say.
He says goodbye to me and the kids. We drive off in his Bugatti SUV because he gave my Maserati to Wandi and Senzi. That’s the only family car that I have. I heard that he told them that they could have it and he will buy me a new car. I want my new car because now, I cannot use my Bentley or my Ferrari while being a mom to two kiddeos.
I’m arriving at my office at 9am. I had forgotten to withdraw money for lunch money and to pay for entrepreneur’s day happening at their school this Friday. So, I went to withdraw the cash so I can give them both money to submit so they can exchange it for fake money that they will use to buy goods on that day. It’s for the high school and the preparatory school, hence they’ll both be part of it. But it’s the matrics that are hosting the entrepreneur’s day. So, it will be Rena next year and the things she’s already demanding for her stall! Thank God her dad is rich!
I get into my office and set up at my desk.
“Hey lady”, I hear a voice say.
I look up. It’s Teboho Seete.
I never know where I stand with her. She’s hot and cold nje.
“Hey, Mrs S. You good?” Me.
“Yeah. I hope you have a minute?”
I wonder.
I welcome her in and we chill on my couch. She even brought StarBucks Coffee with her. Bless her soul.
“What’s up?” I ask her.
“I was having a chat with Rena and Moloko. I took them and Ruri out for lunch when I fetched them from school the other day”, she says.
I was helping with preps at the Maphumulos for umsebenzi kaSenzi on that day. Khotso was somewhere… I don’t know where.
“She really loves you. They are both soooo… calm and happy. Ke bana, you know. You’ve given them space to be kids again… to be safe again… and sincerely, kea leboha”. She says.
I smile at her and say, “they are lovely kids. I love having them around.”
“Not a lot of people would agree with you. Thabi is one of those people who would never agree with you. They’ve been through a lot. It takes a lot to understand them… to be patient with them when teaching them new things. Rena told us about the two of you cooking together twice a week and how you are teaching her to be responsible. It’s beautiful. And I just want you to know that we are thankful. Their mom is smiling down on you wherever she is.”
Khotso did tell me that Teboho was best friends with their mother.
I nod my head and smile.
“And Khotso is happy… stable again. It’s good to see him be a fool again”. She says.
We both laugh.
“You know, I hear people thank me for my role in Khotso’s life. But guys… Khotso, Rena, Moloko and Wandi… they’ve all given me a second chance at being a partner and a parent. The anxiety of coming out of prison is as bad as the anxiety you have when going inside. You don’t know what to expect. You don’t know how you’ll be reintegrated back into society or normality… into family, friends, relationships… I’m just surrounded by blessings and I’m so thankful for the chances that I’ve been given. I’ll do my best. I promise you.”
We hold hands.
“Oh good, you are here”, Thabi says as she steps into my office. I’m very popular today. Clearly.
“Hey Thabi. Ushup?” Me.
People bring in a whole lot of luggage. Teboho and I are both shocked. We just stand up and watch these people bring in boxes upon boxes as well as bags upon bags.
“Thabi, what’s happening?” I ask her.
“I’ve brought everything that’s ever belonged to Moloko and Lefatselabarena. I’ve had it le bana baKhotso that lack respect and discipline. They’ve officially moved out of my house and they are successfully your problem now. Good luck”. She says.
Bakithi! Yini manje?!
“Thabi, that’s not your call to make. The royal house is not your house”, Teboho says.
“Really? I’m the queen of this kingdom. Last I checked, that is my house by virtue of my title.” Thabi.
“Ey wena! Lefatselabarena and Moloko are born Mohale. Unlike you, habakena mole kakgomu! Queen or not, those kids have more rights to that house than what you do! Bathung!”
Thabi is hurt by this.
Is she really this dramatic because of kids?! Really?! What adult is this defeated by kids?!
Thabi just turns on her heels and marches out of the house.
Teboho and I look at each other.
“How on earth am I going to carry all of these things to my car? And what am I going to say the kids? To Khotso? How can she just reject these kids like this?” I say. I’m actually stressed.
“I’ll ask Maboko to get people who will help. But you must tell Khotso.” She says.
“I’ll tell him when he gets back. For now, I need to find a way to explain this to my kids without making them feel… unwanted… rejected. Yoh Teboho. This will really end their relationship with Thabi. It’s not right.”
“Girl, that relationship has been gone.”
We are at home – the kids and me. We are sitting in Rena’s bedroom. We are all sitting on top of her bed. They are a bit sad that they’ve been kicked out of the royal house so I’m just trying to talk to them about it. Their things were brought here this afternoon and our domestic workers were unpacking the boxes and bags. I still haven’t spoken to Khotso.
“She’s never liked us”, Moloko says.
“Nana, I don’t know what has happened. But, I think Thabi is upset about how your relationship has been all of this time. I don’t know what it will take to make things better. But the important thing is that she has no right to kick you out of a Mohale royal house. This house that we are in now is your home and I’ll never kick you out, no matter how angry I get. But one day, I want you guys to think about making things right with Thabi. Okay?”
They are just not hearing me.
“Why doesn’t she go? She’s not even family”, Rena.
“Rena, you can’t say things like that.” Me.
“And she doesn’t even have kids because she hates kids so much. Our only sin is that we are kids. I’ve never liked her. I’ll never like her. And one day, I’m going to put poison in her wine”, Rena.
“Me too”, Moloko.
“Hai bo. Guys, we don’t talk like that. And we don’t do things like that.” Me.
“She’s not supposed to kick us out of our ancestors’ home, but she did. Clearly, we are all allowed to do whatever we want around here even if it’s wrong”. Rena.
“No no! Absolutely not!”
They look at me.
“Am I your family?” I ask them.
“Yes” they both say as they nod their heads.
“Am I family enough for you guys to listen to me? To do me the favour of being better people and bigger people in this situation?”
They look at each other then nod their heads.
“Okay. Then I’m asking… please… I’m asking Lefatselabarena and Moloko from the bottom of my heart that we all sleep on what has happened, calm down a little bit, then we will discuss with dad when we are all calm… then take next steps.”
“Next steps?” Moloko.
“We decide what we will do about all of this”, me.
“Okay”, Moloko.
“Rena?” Me.
“Okay.” Rena.
“Thank you. For now, I’ll make us hot chocolate and marshmallows, put my favourite boy to sleep after checking his homework and school diary, then spot test Miss Rena over here.”
They are excited. I’ve won them back!
“Good. Now can I get the best hugs from my favourite people please.”
They squeeze me in their hug and it warms my heart.

I arrive at my place – well, Phuthi’s place – just after 1am. I find her wide awake and working on her laptop while drinking a glass of white wine. But she’s dressed in a very sexy lingerie piece, covered in a silk and lacy gown.
“Hey baby”, I say as I lean against the wall and look at her.
She smiles at me, stands up and models towards me. I’m already jumping for joy in my heart.
“Kunjani?” She says to me.
I need to teach her seSotho. We can’t be having this Zulu-Sotho exchange where we hear what each of us are saying but we answer each other using a different language. Phuthi and I will have a full-blown conversation in two different languages. She will speak Zulu and I’ll speak Sotho… we both understand each other, but refuse to learn how to speak the other language.
We are now kissing.
“Udlile?” She asks me.
I shake my head.
“Okay. Your food is in the oven. Let me warm it up for you”, she says.
“Thank you, baby”, I say.
I put my bag down and take off my jacket. I sit at the dining table. She brings me my food on a tray with a bottle of cold water. She sits with me as I eat. She just dished meat for herself on a side plate and she’s having it with wine.
“How was your day?” She asks me.
“It was good. Things went okay with Laura. She guaranteed us that the church wouldn’t be affected even if she and the white-collar dude get a divorce. Something about their marriage contract giving her rights to the church or something. We told her that if that man starts getting clever, she must tell us so we can start making plans to move the money. She agreed.”
She nods her head.
Then I tell her about the weird part of my day…
“Then Senzi and Wandi took me to some theme park with shit loads of water.”
She’s already laughing.
“Shak was trying to bond with his son by agreeing to that shit. I was just trying to have lunch with my daughter… not do all of that. Ona tried to bounce on us. We dragged him with. Can you imagine old men like us doing nonsense like that? All three of us were passed out in the flight back. We felt like throwing up the whole way here”.
Phuthi is laughing so hard. I just giggle.
“Askies sthandwa sami. Awu bandla, ikhehla lami Nkosiyami”.
Now I even laugh.
“But thank you for spending the day with them.” She says.
“I actually had fun. Just when I thought I’m losing my youth… I think Wandi will give me my youth back.”
Phuthi laughs.
“The best part though was seeing Senzi and Shak bond. Shak is so happy. So happy. Senzi even called Shak dad by mistake… by the time he realised that he didn’t mean to call him that, pope was already melting. And Senzi actually smiled at him. It was beautiful. And it’s nice that Wandi is encouraging him to give their relationship a chance. I love that for them.”
She stands up then comes to sit on top of me.
“I love your heart. It’s the most beautiful heart I’ve ever come across”, she says to me.
Now she’s turning me into a punk. I don’t even know what to say. And I’m really enjoying this meal as well. People at the royal house didn’t cook this nice.
We kiss.
“How was your day, love?” I ask her.
She changes. She gets up from my lap and sits where she was sitting again.
I eat my food, but focus some attention on her.
“Did something happen?” I ask her.
“Thabi kicked the kids out of the royal house.”
I stop eating and stare at her because surely, I didn’t hear her correctly.
“I was chilling with Teboho in my office and we were having such a nice conversation, then Thabi walked in with a bunch of men who were carrying boxes and bags. She told me that the kids are no longer welcome in the royal house. Obviously, Teboho told her that she has no authority to do that. But Thabi went on and on about how she’s the queen and that’s her house and she could do as she pleases. I didn’t care so much about all of that. I cared about how the kids would receive this. Granted, Thabi will tell anyone who will listen how disrespectful they are. But to go to these lengths? Really?!”
I’m actually very angry now.
“The kids didn’t take it too well. They were sad, feeling a bit rejected. But I managed to talk to them a bit and get them to sleep. But I think they might need a hug from you too.” She says.
“I’m going to kill Rethabile. Her worst nightmare is about to come true. Sonia is about to be the queen.” I tell her and I actually mean it. Where does she get off?
“Khotso, umka mfowenu lona. You can’t talk like that”.
“Please excuse me, love”, I say. I can’t even sit properly and finish this conversation. This is absolute bullshit.
She tries to stop me, but she doesn’t catch me. Within minutes, I’m in her Ferrari driving off, headed to the royal house.
As I’m in the car driving like a crazy person, I phone Ona.
“Yo”, him. He sounds wide awake.
“Thabi kicked Rena and Moloko out of the royal house”, I say.
“Rethabile o tebetse Moloko leLefatselabarena koboreneng!”
“Where are you?” He asks me.
“On my way to the royal house”. I say.
“Pick me up. I’m at Sonia’s place.”
We hang up.
Yerrr! Thabi will shit bricks today.
My kids?! Not my fucken kids! Not my fucken kids!
Ona, Reahile and I arrive at the royal house at 2:30am. Naturally, Thabi is asleep. Ona is the one who goes to wake her up. He comes back dragging her back into where Reahile and I are standing. Her screaming has woken up Mohale, Tholoana, Mohato and Zari. They are in here now.
I stare at her. The anger on my face immediately tells her what we are doing here.
“Rethabile, o so hlanya?” I begin.
“It’s not like you guys haven’t officially moved out. I was just helping with the luggage.” She says.
“Ona, get your wife before I put her in a coffin.” I say.
I see fear in each person’s eye in here – including Thabi.
“Thabi, what gives you the right to put my children out of their ancestor’s home?” Ona.
“Those kids are disrespectful, Ona. Don’t act like you don’t see it. They are disrespectful and I’m not going to raise kids that disregard me as an authoritative figure in this house. The two of you are never around. Ever! I’m the one who has to be their only parent 86% of the time. Now I must tolerate their disrespect?!”
“Thabi, do you think this is Merementse? Do you think this is that small-nyana kraal of the Thibane chieftaincy where you can do as you wish? Are you confusing this house with your grandmother’s tuck shop perhaps? My kids have more right to kick you out of this house then you do to kick them out of this house! Or are you not aware?!” I say.
She just looks at me.
“Khotso wants to end your life. But I think you are just drunk from the title of queen. You take that shit too far and you clearly overestimate your power. So I’ve decided that the Mohale’s should rather remind you who you are in the bigger schemes of the Mohale family. You will be moved out of this house effective immediately. We got you a very nice one-bedroom apartment in a gated area. Sonia will move in here.” Ona.
“WHAT?!” Thabi.
“Dad, come on. That’s a bit harsh.” Mohato.
“Am I talking to you, wena?!” Ona.
“Ona, you can’t do that to me.” Thabi.
“I can. And I am doing it. You have no kids. You look after no one. You’ve made it very clear that the last thing that you’ll ever be in this family is a mother. So, what do you need all the space for? You rule from your office in government. You rule as you take trips around the world. When I want you to be a wife, I’ll come to you. But insulting a Mohale and throwing them out of a Mohale royal house is like spitting on our ancestors and insulting the throne that you serve. That will never go unpunished. You are out of here”, I say.
“I’ll apologise. I’m sorry. I’ll even apologise to your brats. But Sonia is not moving into my house and I’m certainly not going live like some renter amongst other renters surrounded by a shoebox that I’m expected to call a home.” Thabi.
I actually laugh.
“It’s either that, or you go back to Merementse and have your family teach you how to be a royal wife. A queen. A leader. And how to behave in the home of ancestors you married.” Ona.
Now she weeps on the ground.
Our men come in and we direct them where to go and pack Thabi’s things.
“Ona, don’t do this. Especially not because of Lefatselabarena.” Thabi.
“Lefatselabarena is my daughter. Despite your reservations about her and the high-horse you sit on when it comes to her, she is more important than you – especially in a Mohale house. You had no right, Thabi. No right.” Ona.
I’m glad we are very clear on that.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Askies.” Thabi.
“I forgive you – as your husband. But as Lefatselabarena’s father, you are going to pay for what you’ve done.” Ona.
Thabi and I stare at each other.
I walk into my house just after 8am. We only finished packing out Thabi’s things after 7am. I find no one at home. I’m sure Phuthi has taken the kids to school and headed to the office herself.
“Dumelang”, one of the domestic workers greets me. I actually have no energy to entertain her right now, so I just ignore her and head to my bedroom to sleep. I’m tired.
I walk in and the other domestic worker is in here, cleaning. Ke kopa ho robala hle. That’s all I ask.
I just leave and head into Rena’s bedroom. I close the door, lock it then sleep. If they haven’t cleaned this room yet, they are not cleaning it today.
“Papa!” I hear someone say and a light shake on my body.
I open my eyes.
I see Phuthi and my kids looking at me.
“And then? Why my bed specifically?” Rena asks me.
“They were cleaning in our main bedroom and I was tired”, I say.
All three of them laugh.
I get up and stretch my body. I check the time. It’s 4pm already? Yerr!
“Baby, Ona has been looking for you. Athi ucingo lwakho alusebenzi.” Phuthi says.
“Ucingo lwakho, papa”, Rena.
“Alusebenzi”, Moloko.
I just laugh because wow…
“He’s downstairs neh”, Phuthi says mid-laughter because my kids… wow.
I get up and make my way downtown. I’m still in the suit I was in yesterday, but I’m not wearing any shoes. Just socks.
Ona is watching TV, feet on the couch, drinking my beer and eating some wings I’m sure Phuthi made for me.
“Sho”, me.
“Ey. Yoh, Phuthi’s food is the one. No wonder you are getting fat now.” He says.
“Fuck you, dude.” Me.
We both laugh.
I sit next to him.
“Thabi is a mess hey”, he says.
“You feel sorry for her or?” Me.
“Not really. But I know she spoke to Phuthi and now Phuthi shat on me”, he says.
“Vele why? A one-bedroom apartment, guys?” Phuthi says as she walks into the TV room.
We both look at her.
“She’s not going back to the royal house, love”. I say.
“Then why doesn’t she live in Sonia’s house? Angisho Sonia is moving into the royal house? What will happen to her house?” Phuthi.
“She’s giving it to Reahile and Nandi.” Ona says.
“You guys can’t honestly afford a decent four-bedroom nyana for her? Really? She’s still your wife, Ona. She’s still your sister, Khotso. You can keep her away without torturing her like this.” Phuthi.
We think about it.
“And she wants to come by and apologise to the kids and to you, Khotso.” Phuthi says.
I don’t know how I feel about that.
Phuthi looks at us as if expecting an answer from us before giving Thabi feedback.
I look at Ona. Ona looks at me.
“Fine.” I say.
“Good. She’s joining us for dinner.” Phuthi says then leaves the TV room.

Comment (1)
Punishment was harsh but Thabi needed a bit of that wake up call otherwise she wouldn’t she’d take no notice or pinch of the punishment if it were lighter. Mm Phuthi yena ke, I love her but she mustn’t dare go easy and allow Thabi to use her.